Thursday, August 20, 2009

Day Four of Favorite Things Week

The first day the Original Purple Gypsy Gripper came into the store, I loved it!! I bought one that first day to use at home. It makes the ruler so easy to pick up and to find on the cutting table. It also makes the ruler so much easier on my arthritic hands. I just push down, instead of having to hold my fingers in a cramped position. Also, there are no cut finger tips with the Gypsy Gripper!



  1. I know what you mean...about old hands! Now what can I do to make my quarter inch seams really 1/4 inch?

  2. I have been wanting one of these!! I saw it on one of the crafting blogs and have been hoping to find it locally ever since! :)

  3. This looks like a "handy" tool.

  4. Wow - what a great idea! I'm so glad someone that of this.

  5. Wish I had one of these before I sliced my finger!! :) Nicole P

  6. I have wanted one of these since I saw someone in your shop using it. It is such a brilliant idea!

  7. Ummm yeah! Sign me up for one of those! I'm the worst at keeping my stuff straight! I'd LOVE to add this to my quilting collection!

  8. I've never tried one of these...but the ladies at most quilt shops seem to be using they must work!

  9. I totally want one!

  10. Thank you for showing this one. I bought several batiks to fuse and make wall hangings, but, was terrifies of the rotary cutter. I had sliced my finger once and let me tell you, that is the worst pain. I am so excited about this product,I can't wait to get one. Now I can start cutting and fusing. Yippee! By the way we visited your lovely shop and love ypur needle punch designs!
    Diana in Boise

  11. fun product - definitely makes cutting safer :)

  12. I have seen ladies at quilt shops use these--I would love one. Julie

  13. I could use that right now!!!!

  14. Love, love, love anything that makes my quilting better....great idea!

  15. Yay! I've been wondering if there was a tool like this out there. I'd LOVE one!

  16. I, too, have arthritis in my hands. I have been wanting one of these ever since I heard about them.

  17. I've wanted one of these for a long time!

  18. I would love one of these! I haven't ever sliced a finger, but I'm getting worried that it's in my future!

  19. Love your store, just wish there were more hours in each day to finish all my projects. Oh, and I wish I had more energy to do it.

  20. I LOVE this purple gripper!! I drool over it EVERY SINGLE TIME I come into Pine Needles! I love the idea of the gripper, SO useful, and being purple is the icing on the cake!!! I am a purple fanatic, and definitely am wanting to get one to match my purple ruler and scissors!!

  21. Fabulous idea! I can't believe all of the finger-slicing going on ladies-what's the deal? Now I will probably be cursed for saying that, and be the next to loose a finger. Anyways...anything to make my quilting easier sounds great.

  22. This looks like a great tool! I would love to give it a try!

  23. I have wondered if these really work and now after the posts, I guess they do. I wasn't worried about slicing a finger, just being able to get a better hold on my rulers.

  24. Most of the quilting stores use this tool. It's a cleaver invention. I'd like to have one.

  25. Looks like a great product... thanks for sharing!

  26. Wow! This is a "gotta have". My next purchase for sure. Just two days ago I was cutting, and was thinking how hard it is to press down with Thorasic outlet problems. AND...I always worry about a slip that will inflict pain and suffering! I'm happy to find out that this thing exists!

  27. I have seen you use this in your shop. I would love to have one, but just haven't endulged yet. Thanks for sharing this wonderful tool.

  28. I swear by my gypsy gripper!!!

    I just rolled my eyes and said "Ummm....thanks" when my mom gave it to me for my birthday last year. It looked like an old fashioned telephone handle with suction cups and I really didn't see how it was going to make my life easier.

    Now, it's one of those things that I wonder "How did I ever survive without this?"

    I don't break fingernails trying to pick up my ruller.

    My ruler doesn't slip when I cut because it spreads out the pressure points on the ruler.

    I love it!

    If you don't have one, you have to get one, they are worth every penny!

  29. This looks like it'd be very useful!

  30. Thanks for showing this one. After cutting myself so many times, I'd love to have this one.

  31. I haven't tried this, but I'd like to!

  32. What will they think of next. Sounds like a fun gadget!

  33. That is awesome! I had never seen one before until just about a month ago. I have been hoping to get one soon. :)

  34. You and me both, I had to have the full size and the little circle one.

  35. I've never tried one, but would love to.

  36. I'm glad to know this tool really works, can't wait to get one:)

  37. A PURPLE notion and for quilting - what more could one ask for???!!!

  38. I love your store :D Keep up the great blog!

  39. I have the "wee" gypsy gripper and I love it! Would love to win the big gypsy for my big rulers. It really helps in the cutting process to steady your hand.

  40. This would put my mind at rest about using the rotary cutter, especially with my aging hands. Wonderful invention!

  41. I think this is a great product and would be helpful to older quilters to disperse weight evenly on the ruler!

  42. Ever since I put my sewing machine needle through my finger I am game for any tool that will keep my fingers out of harms way!

  43. That looks like an awesome tool. I tend to let my hand slide and so the ruler slips toward the end of my cut! I will have to get one of those.

  44. No more cut fingers? I have done that, and it hurts. I need this thing!

  45. The gripper looks like a handy tool for my old hands. I have to have someone help me when I have a lot of cutting to do. Thanks for the fun.
    Laurie M

  46. This tool has got to be better than the last one I bought . . . the suction doesn't grip! Looks like a winner!

  47. wow...i need to get some good sewing tools. everyone has all this cool stuff and all i have is scissors.

  48. This looks so handy, I could actually cut a straight strip of fabric. Also the hands aren't young any more. Great idea!! Vicki

  49. That is awesome! I've seen it at the shop and always wondered.. Something to add to my shopping wish list!!

  50. This looks so useful, I have a hard time holding my ruler, it always seems to slip under my fingers.

  51. Great item! I've been wanting one of these. So happy you have a blog now.
    Sandy, I can't wait to see you on the 5th for the porch party!

  52. I'd like to try it. It sounds great.

  53. I haven't used one yet, it's good to know they really work well like you say.

  54. I almost bought one today and then I decided to wait - well looky here!

  55. I've seen these and wondered how well they work. Would sure love to try it!

  56. Linda H I would love to start doing quitlting, so any easy tool that makes it easier, I'm for it.

  57. and they double as a tub handle!

  58. I hope it comes with a quick lesson :D

  59. I have always wanted something like this. I have the arthritis too, so gripping some things is difficult. It would be great.

  60. I have been wanting one of these too!! Looks like a great tool!

  61. sounds great to me... anything to make it a little easier!

  62. i hate how the board always slips this would be awesome

  63. I am coming tomorrow to buy one if I don't win it!

  64. I have noticed you use the purple handle when I've been to the store. By the way, we love the store. Everytime I'm in the area, my husband takes me.

  65. I never knew what those things were for. That's so awesome! I hate to try and move or pick up the ruler on my fabric, because I always end up shifting the fabric or not being able to pick up the ruler without sliding it to the end of the table.

  66. Oooh, that's cool! I could definitely use one of those!

  67. Sounds awesome!! I think I need one!?

  68. I'd love it to add to my beginner stash!

  69. OK Holly, there are a few more than 14!
    Pick me, pick me!

  70. I've been curious about this item. I've seen several people at quilt retreats using them. Hope I win!
    Sheri in Illinois

  71. Purple is MY favorite color! I definitely could use this handy dandy gripper but it's just one of those luxuries that gets put on the back burner. Hope I'm the winner!

  72. I've been wanting one of these ever since I first saw them -- my fingers need one of them lol! Definitely a great tool!

  73. I have never tried those things, maybe i will now that it has been recomended.
