Monday, February 21, 2011

38 Bolts of Heaven!

Today Greg, our UPS delivery man,  delivered four boxes containing 38 bolts of Michael Miller fabrics.  Be still my heart, I was thrilled!  He also delivered a box from National Nonwovens containing some new Bamboo felt, that is simply TO DIE FOR!!!!!  Here are some pix of the Michael Miller goodness....
gray bicycles


orange gypsy flower

princess (glitter!!!)

gray prom

red kaleidoscope

sea dumb dot

green kaleidoscope


  1. Oh I just love that new Michael Miller fabric!! I am so excited to come and get some!! Way cute!!

  2. So, so SO darling! I didn't get to see everything, it was all still on the floor. LOL. Come check out my blog today. I wrote a post singing the praises of my favorite fabric store. Have a great day!
